HMNC Brain Health’s pipeline of novel compounds and companion diagnostics is ready for clinical proof-of-concept trials and commercialization.

- The Ketabon program, a joint venture between HMNC Brain Health and Develco Pharma in Switzerland, comprises an oral prolonged release formulation of ketamine that could significantly advance the medication of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD) for numerous patients, thereby offering shorter time to remission, higher efficacy, and lower side effects.
- The Nelivabon program comprises the Phase-II-ready compound nelivaptan and the matching molecular diagnostic test, targeting 30% of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) patients, suffering from dysfunction in the human body’s stress system (HPA-axis).
- The Cortibon program comprises Spruce Bioscience’s investigational product candidate, tildacerfont, a second-generation CRHR1 antagonist, and HMNC’s companion diagnostic, the proprietary Cortibon Genetic Selection Tool. This clinical Cortibon program complements the more mature Nelivabon program and could help leverage the potential of HMNC Brain Health’s pipeline with respect to treatment of stress-axis related MDD.
- The standalone pharmacogenomic test ABCB1, which is already on the market, optimizes treatment with currently available antidepressants.
- The PTSD blood test, outlicensed to Polaris Genomics, is a unique genetic tool to identify individuals at risk of developing PTSD.
With a scalable IP platform, HMNC Brain Health is set to flexibly grow and commercialize its portfolio via in-house developments as well as in- and out-licensing agreements.